Newspapers in Education from The Meadville Tribune

Newspapers in Education is a national program to provide newspapers, free of charge, to classrooms in your local area.


The Meadville Tribune provides FREE newspapers for educational use in the classroom for public, private and home schools, as well as colleges and universities. Click to enroll today.


During this difficult time, The Meadville Tribune is offering access to our digital e-paper so remote learning students can still take advantage of the benefits of the newspaper in the classroom.


Newspapers in Education is sponsored by local people. Like you!

The Meadville Tribune relies on the generous donations of local businesses and individuals to offset the costs of providing FREE newspapers to area classrooms in Crawford County. Every $1 provides 8 newspapers; you or your business can sponsor classrooms right now.


Teacher Resources for you.

Take advantage of FREE resources for teachers, with lesson plans, reading materials and more, all designed to take full advantage of the power of newspapers and The Meadville Tribune to drive student learning and engagement.